Reading Corner !!!

The SmarTest Man in History

Some people say that Leornardo da Vinci was the Smartest person who ever lived, but I think they're wrong. I believe that William James sidis was the smartest person. He was an American who lived from 1898-1944. He learned to read when he was only 18 months old. He learned how to speak Latin when he was two years old, and Greek when he was three. By his eighth birhtday, he was already the author of four books and could  speak eight languages. A famous scientist said that sidis's IQ was between 250 and 300. That's much higher than average score of 100. most people don't know about him, but i think he was the smartest person history.

THe MosT DanGeRous AnImaLs

There are some studies about the world's most dangerous animals. The results are surprising to some people. Many people think that snakes and sharks are the deadliest animals in the world, but in fact, mosquitoes kill far more people each year. Mosquito carry diseases that kill 2,000,000 people each year. when a mosquito bites a person, it can pass disease into the person's blood. Dogs also can pass diseases through bites. Some dogs carry the disease called rabies, which kill about 40,000 people each year. Sharks, on the other hand, kill only six people each year.  So which of these are you afraid of ???